Blog Articles

Help! My Teen Has a Concussion

Help! My Teen Has a Concussion

Fortunately, most teens recover fully after a concussion, but proper care during the healing process is crucial. Here’s what to expect after a concussion and tips for helping your adolescent manage during their recovery.
Jun 5th, 2024
Our Favorite Tricks for Improving Memory

Our Favorite Tricks for Improving Memory

While you might like to forget a few of your youthful adventures, many adults worry about losing their mental sharpness as they age. Our neurological team is happy to provide tips for keeping your memory intact as the years progress.
May 2nd, 2024

Diet Changes That Support Brain Health

Can changing the foods you eat guarantee a healthy brain? Probably not. However, your diet can do much to help ensure your brain receives the nutrients it needs for healthy function. Learn more from our team about diet and brain health.
Feb 1st, 2024
Neurological Conditions That May Be Hereditary

Neurological Conditions That May Be Hereditary

Some neurological conditions are inherited and easily identifiable at birth. Others develop slowly over time and may or may not be related to genetics. Still, it’s important to understand your family history. Here’s why … 
Jan 2nd, 2024
Helping a Loved One After They’ve Had a Stroke

Helping a Loved One After They’ve Had a Stroke

Caring for a loved one following a stroke is challenging, sometimes exhausting, and frequently highly rewarding as you participate in their gains. Learn more from our team about stroke recovery and how you can help. 
Dec 7th, 2023
Is Cognitive Dysfunction an Inevitable Part of Aging?

Is Cognitive Dysfunction an Inevitable Part of Aging?

Aging is an inevitable process accompanied by many physical, social, and emotional changes. But should you simply accept that significant declines in your memory or decision-making abilities are part of the aging process? No. Here’s why.
Nov 2nd, 2023
What Causes Short-Term Memory Loss?

What Causes Short-Term Memory Loss?

Short-term memory is the mind's ability to keep track of information for seconds to a few minutes. Find out how short-term memory loss affects your daily routine, what can cause you to lose this vital skill, and how our team can help.
Sep 7th, 2023
Mild Cognitive Impairment: Know Your Treatment Options

Mild Cognitive Impairment: Know Your Treatment Options

Are you struggling with forgetfulness that seems more than expected at your age? Or maybe you suddenly find it hard to organize the agenda for an upcoming meeting. It could be mild cognitive impairment. Learn more about your treatment options.
Jul 11th, 2023

Who Should Get an EEG?

An EEG is a valuable diagnostic tool that offers insight into brain activity. Fortunately, an EEG is also non-invasive, painless, and generally takes less than an hour. Learn what to expect during an EEG and why your neurologist may recommend it.
Jun 4th, 2023
10 Symptoms of Dementia You Should Be Aware Of

10 Symptoms of Dementia You Should Be Aware Of

Signs and symptoms of dementia usually start subtly, but early detection and care can, in many cases, slow its progression and effect on your life. Our team highlights the common risk factors and symptoms of dementia.
May 3rd, 2023
Am I Eligible to Participate in a Clinical Study?

Am I Eligible to Participate in a Clinical Study?

A clinical study may offer you the chance to receive the newest and potentially most successful treatment for a neurological disorder. But out of the many thousands of trials ongoing, which is right for you? Our team explains the basics.
Apr 11th, 2023
5 Telltale Signs Your Loved One Has Had a Stroke

5 Telltale Signs Your Loved One Has Had a Stroke

Emergency treatment can save your loved one’s life and reduce the disabling effects of a stroke. But how do you know when to call an ambulance? Read the facts about strokes, why treatment must begin immediately, and symptoms you shouldn’t ignore.
Mar 9th, 2023
How to Live with Focal Seizures

How to Live with Focal Seizures

Symptoms of a focal seizure can range from incapacitating one-sided muscle contractions to incessant lip-smacking that you may not link with a seizure disorder. Our team offers insight into identifying, treating, and living with focal seizures.
Feb 12th, 2023
Does Having an Essential Tremor Mean I May Get Parkinson's?

Does Having an Essential Tremor Mean I May Get Parkinson's?

Tremor is a common sign of Parkinson’s disease. Not all tremors are the same, however, and an essential tremor is distinctly different from a Parkinson’s tremor. Our specialist explains how to spot the differences and why it matters.
Jan 20th, 2023
How Botox Can Treat Your Migraines

How Botox Can Treat Your Migraines

It’s got an excellent reputation for smoothing away wrinkles. But did you know Botox® injections can also prevent migraines? Check these facts about when and why our specialist may recommend Botox for your migraines.
Dec 7th, 2022
Myths and Facts About Multiple Sclerosis

Myths and Facts About Multiple Sclerosis

Have you or a loved one recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS)? Are you finding it difficult to sort through all the information flooding your way? Our specialist can help by countering the myths about MS with reliable facts.
Nov 6th, 2022
Common Migraine Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Common Migraine Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Identifying and avoiding migraine triggers when you can is a crucial component of prevention. Our team offers insight into solving the mystery of what might be inducing your pain. We’ve also got info about the most effective migraine treatments.
Oct 6th, 2022
Helping a Loved One with Alzheimer's

Helping a Loved One with Alzheimer's

It takes significant patience, compassion, and respect to care for someone with Alzheimer’s, but support is available. Our team discusses the many practical ways you can help a loved one with Alzheimer’s, and why your involvement matters.
Aug 1st, 2022
5 Steps You Can Take to Help Prevent Dementia

5 Steps You Can Take to Help Prevent Dementia

Dementia isn’t always predictable and isn’t yet curable, but there’s much you can do to decrease your risk of this complex condition. Our team discusses what increases your risk of dementia and steps you can take to help prevent it.
Jul 10th, 2022
How Deep Brain Stimulation Works to Control Tremors

How Deep Brain Stimulation Works to Control Tremors

Uncontrollable tremors are a frequent and often disabling complication of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and other complex neurological disorders. When medications aren’t enough to control your symptoms, deep brain stimulation can help.
May 5th, 2022
The Difference Between a Headache and a Migraine

The Difference Between a Headache and a Migraine

More than just a “bad” headache, a migraine is a neurological disorder that happens to include a severe headache as one of its symptoms. Our specialist explains how to spot the differences and the treatments available for migraines.
Apr 6th, 2022
Two Main Types of Strokes and How They're Treated

Two Main Types of Strokes and How They're Treated

All strokes cause similar symptoms and require emergency medical care, but successful treatment depends on the kind of stroke you’re experiencing. Read about the differences between the two most common types.
Feb 6th, 2022
Is Parkinson's Disease Hereditary?

Is Parkinson's Disease Hereditary?

Is it your genes or your environment? It’s a question that’s often asked about the origins of chronic conditions like Parkinson’s. Learn more about the underlying causes of Parkinson’s disease and what role your genes may play.
Jan 5th, 2022
How Your Diet Can Help Improve Epilepsy Symptoms

How Your Diet Can Help Improve Epilepsy Symptoms

Can your diet help control seizures and other symptoms related to epilepsy? It absolutely can when it’s combined with other treatments. And you may be surprised to learn it’s not a new idea. Find out which foods to avoid when you have epilepsy.
Dec 15th, 2021
What We Know About COVID-19 and Strokes

What We Know About COVID-19 and Strokes

While better known for its respiratory effects, COVID-19 can also be dangerous to your neurological health. Our expert shares insight regarding stroke risks related to COVID as well as the neurological symptoms of long-haul COVID syndrome.
Nov 19th, 2021
Recognizing the Warning Signs of Dementia

Recognizing the Warning Signs of Dementia

Is forgetfulness becoming more noticeable in your or a loved one’s daily routine? Worried about dementia? Our team offers insight regarding the symptoms of dementia and why it’s about more than simply misplacing your keys or forgetting a name.
Oct 27th, 2021

13 Most Common Migraine Triggers

Migraine headaches affect millions of Americans — both adults and kids. Knowing your triggers is an important step in preventing migraines or reducing their severity. Here are 13 triggers you should know about.
Sep 30th, 2021